Here is the marble painting Logan made on Friday. They have this wooden box and then they put the tree cutout in the box dab paint in various spots and then put a marble in the box and the kids get to shake it around creating the picture, then add glitter and it's done! Logan had a lot of fun doing this his teacher said.
This is the ginger bread ornament Logan made last week, he watched the teachers do the cut outs and he helped put a little glitter on it. It smells yummy and looks wonderful on our tree!
Logan enjoying himself sans pants.
Brandi's turkey leg rice krispie treats
While everyone was busy getting lunch all fixed up and on the table, Logan helped himself to as many grapes as he could, which meant he was pretty full by the time we were ready to eat. Matt did manage to get him to eat some turkey, but Logan liked the grapes the best.
Logan stealing grapes
After dinner we all hung around and talked, and once we were ready, broke out the pies! Lot's of pumpkin pie's and one apple, and of course the rice krispie treats...yum. After desert it was time for the men to retire to the back room for football and the traditional after Thanksgiving nap. Once Logan woke up he was not a happy camper so it was time to go home. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope you all did as well! Let the countdown to Christmas begin!
The sign of a good Thanksgiving feast.
We arrived how after 10pm and of course Logan was still kickin, but off to bed he went with lot's of treats in his tummy and Mommy and Daddy stayed up to watch a scary movie...a perfect Halloween!
Next we went into the Animal Land they set up during the Fall Festival at Gobberts. They had all kinds of animals to look at. Logan liked the ducks of course and the cow and pigs. He was a little afraid of being really close to some of the animals, but I think he stilled enjoyed it.