Monday, August 24, 2009
34 Week OB Appointment
Not to much to report this week. Blood pressure is awesome still at 116/74 so pre-e is not a concern, proteins were good as well. Baby's measuring 35 weeks (which I will be on Wednesday) so growth is good. I was having a huge and painful contraction as I was laying down on the table so the doctor got a pretty good feel for the baby and he said based on feeling he would say head down, and then he found the heartbeat below the belly button much lower than two weeks ago so that is encouraging that those two signs are pointing to head down, we will still have an ultrasound at the next appointment (which because of labor day won't be until I am 37 weeks). If baby is breech we will make decisions about attempting external version or repeat c-section but we are leaning towards the version at this point. Since he prefers to do external versions during week 36 we will have to make that decision and probably have the version done if needed within a day or two of our next appointment since I will 37 weeks by then (as baby gets bigger it's harder to turn). After the next appointment I will go down to weekly visits until delivery day. That is all for now!
On The Go!
After getting this tricycle this past Easter Logan has shown little interest in it, until now that is. Whenever Logan is at the park there is usually other kids there and they often show up on their tricycles so Logan finally put two and two together and the last couple of park trips he has pedaled his trike to the park (with some help from Daddy). He puts his drink in the trunk and and away he goes!

Big Brother Love
Logan had his sibling class at the hospital this weekend. We got to see the new patient tower which was really nice and they took the kids to see the babies. The look on Logan's face when they held up the newborn was priceless. The kids also got to see one of the rooms where their Mommies will be staying, Logan was a little timid in the room, he didn't want to explore it like the other kids, but at least he has had exposure to the areas that he will be visiting when the baby comes. Logan got his official Big Brother Diploma as well, we are going frame it and put it up in his room for him.

Logan loves giving kisses to the baby!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Day Out With Thomas The Train!
This past weekend we took Logan to Day Out With Thomas at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union IL. We went last year as well, but Logan seemed to have a lot more fun this year and wasn't as scared of taking the train ride as last year. Logan had fun seeing all the trains and kept asking to ride on Thomas, he only got a little upset when we actually got on the train but he was much better than last year and enjoyed the ride for the most part. Since he is a big almost 3 year old now, he was able to go into the bounce houses they have set up which he loved and he also rode on the little push trains they have set up with a little help from Daddy. Logan loved watching the little Thomas the Train the model railroad had running and he had fun playing at the train tables they had set up as well. Logan got two tattoos as well (one of Percy and one of Rosie) on each arm. They also have a little mini golf course set up so Logan got to play mini golf for the first time, and he was actually pretty darn good at it, we attribute that to all the Wii Golfing he does...Of course the best part is getting to watch Thomas run through the park area, it is amazing how much kids love Thomas. We had a wonderful day together and here are some pictures from all the fun!
Monday, August 10, 2009
32 Week Check-Up
We had our 32 week check up this morning, for the most part everything is ok, but wasn't the greatest check up we've had. First off by feeling the outside of my stomach the doctor said baby seems to be head down still, but after finding the heartbeat above my belly button, doctor thinks baby may have flipped back to breech. So that is not great news, I will have another ultrasound at 36 weeks to confirm position and if baby is still breech we will talk about doing an external aversion, which we are still undecided about we have to do some more research and talk to the doctor more in depth about it because there is a slight risk of having to deliver if something goes wrong while they are doing it. If baby is indeed breech and we pass on the aversion or it doesn't work we will schedule a repeat c-section for 39 weeks, but as always this is our very, very last resort. We also found out that I am starting to spill protein in my urine (one of the signs of pre-e which I had with Logan) however it was just a little and my blood pressure is still perfect (whoo hoo!) so doctor said not to worry and that the chances of having pre-e with subsequent pregnancies is low. My blood pressure with Logan started to go up at 36 weeks though, but I didn't start spilling protein until they checked it when I was in labor, so I seem to be doing the opposite of last time. So really we just wait now, I have another appointment at 34 weeks which is two weeks from now and then at my 36 week appointment we will do the ultrasound and my last prenatal test which is the group B strep test and start weekly cervical checks and ob appointments and then we can make some decisions on delivery once we know position, although our ultimate goal is still the VBAC. We will just keep an eye on my blood pressure and protein and pray it doesn't develop into pre-e again and I can avoid the mag that I had to be on last time which made me feel like death.
Summer's Last Hurrah!
Last week we went up to Lake Geneva to go to Timber Ridge Resort and Water park with my family. We have been wanting to take Logan to a water park hotel, and thought it would be something fun to do with him before the baby comes next month so we were excited to be able to go up and Logan loved having his Grandma and Grandpa and uncles and aunt there as well. We had a fun day, Logan took to the water right away and the water slides. It was so cute to see him trying to "swim" in the water. Matt of course got to enjoy all the water park had to offer, and for me it was kiddie play area and the lazy river, but it was still fun. We had a nice suite were we could relax and fix food and Logan got to watch some movies and play there as well. It was a nice way to end the summer for us, we won't be doing any more traveling for the summer since I am getting increasingly big and uncomfortable and it was probably our last get away as a family of 3 which seems weird to say. Here are some pictures from our day!
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