Wednesday, September 23, 2009
39 Week Update!
Had a good appointment this morning! Blood pressure is perfect still, I am a finger tip dilated, 50% effaced, baby's head is engaged, and my doctor did a membrane sweep, or stripping of the membranes (I won't go into the gross details of what that is, but it can bring on labor by doing this). None of this progress was made with Logan's pregnancy so we are very encouraged that this baby will be indeed be a VBAC baby! We go back next week (if we make it that long), pretty sure he will check me again then and since next week is my due date week, if I haven't gone by then we will talk about induction if it will be a possibility ( I would have to be dilated to 2-3) and do a non-stress test on the baby as we move into 41 weeks if needed. My awesome doctor hasn't even mentioned the word c-section in less I bring it up, and hasn't even made me schedule one "just in case" like most doctors will, I am so lucky to have found this doctor, I think it was all meant to be. Since the doctor did the sweep, I have been very crampy, back achy, etc. so maybe something will get started today!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Update on Logan's Therapies
Logan has his school district evaluation last week to see if he would require any further therapy or special needs preschool once his Early Intervention therapy ends at his third birthday, and we are very happy to announce that Logan passed everything and will no longer being receiving any therapy! We are so proud of our little guy, he has come such a long way since he started and to not need any more therapy is just wonderful. His speech will be re-evaluated in 6 months just to make sure he is keeping up, he was borderline at the evaluation, but the speech therapist was the last therapist he met with and he was just kinda over the whole testing day by then, I think if he wasn't getting antsy he would have been on the boarder. They suggested getting him in another day of MDO or another activity with kids his age (which his MDO is 4 hours so that is like two days worth of preschool and he does have Gymboree) so now that he is back in school we think he will really take off language wise. So really we aren't changing anything other than saying goodbye to our three therapist. It will be weird not having his therapy sessions each week, Logan really likes his therapists so it will be sad, but we are very excited that he is all caught up and he will start regular preschool next fall!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
38 Week Update!
Nothing much to report. Blood pressure is perfect, still spilling some protein but within normal limits for this stage of pregnancy so no worries there. No progress check this week, our doctor wants to take a hands off as much as possible approach and let things happen naturally so if I don't go into labor by next weeks appointment he will do a progress check since we will have to have a couple plans of action in place at that point, but otherwise we are just waiting for things to get started. Lot's of pre-labor symptoms going on along with contractions, but nothing regular or intensifying so we just wait now. Tick tock....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Logan's First Day Back To "School"
Logan went back to his Mother's Day Out program at one of our local churches this past Friday and boy was he excited to be back at "school". He was ready and raring to go in the morning got dressed, put on his shoes and got his backpack and lunch bag and was practically running out the door to get there. When we arrived he was Mr. Sunshine and saying "Hi!" to everyone he came across. Once we got into his room he took off to go play before I could even get his backpack or lunch bag away from him. I took care of some paper work and he was off playing like no time had gone by (whew!). His favorite teacher that use to take care of him last year and give him cuddles when he still cried at drop off time, came over and he gave her a big long hug, it was so sweet. Of course Mommy had to beg for a hug before I how they grow up over a few months. He was a little upset when I got there to pick him up, it was the first time he stayed for the entire program length (and without a binky), last year I picked him up before story time which is recommended for the older kids, so it was his first time and he didn't want to sit for story time (they clean up and then have to sit for story time-no playing which is hard for a almost 3 year old) and he saw a Mom on the video monitor that was dressed similar to me and he thought it was me coming to get him so he got a little upset, but other than that his teachers said he had a great day. He ate most of his lunch and I am sure he ate all his cookies and snack time and he painted a picture which he showed me as soon as I walked in the door. Hopefully in the next weeks he will get use to story time and learn that routine. He keeps talking about going to school everyday so we know he had fun and is excited to go back this week!
First Day Of School!

First Day Of School!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
When Your Child Is Playing Nicely Always Check On Them...
37 Week Update
We had our 37 week OB and ultrasound yesterday and we are very happy to report that baby is head down and ready for business! We are so happy that we don't have to make the decision between a version and a repeat c-section now. Baby's weight estimate was 7lbs 3 oz which is a little scary since Logan was 7lbs 6oz at 40 weeks, but ultrasound weight estimates are not that accurate and can be off up to a pound or more so we are taking that with a grain of salt. Otherwise baby measured perfectly. My blood pressure is still perfect 120/80 (with Logan at 37 weeks in was in the 140's so doing much better this time) and it looks like we might get to skip the whole high blood pressure racket this time...thank God! I am having a lot of contractions but they don't stay regular or last too long and they haven't dilated me any so far. So now we are in for the long hall. As long as both me and baby are doing good I can go up to two weeks past my due date, our goal is to let my body go into labor on it's own and show up to the hospital in active labor or with broken water. My doctor is so wonderful and he knows c-section is the very last resort and he is willing to really work with me, so we feel very good and not pressured at all. That is about it for now, I go to the doctor weekly now until I deliver....which could be any day now!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Logan's 1st ER Trip
Well we had an eventful Labor Day weekend, and unfortunately it doesn't include me going into labor. Logan had his first ER trip and first stitches, six to be exact. Logan was outside playing and Daisy, Grandma's dog and Logan buddy was outside also. Logan was playing hopscotch on the drive way and from what I saw, looks like he tripped and fell on top of Daisy and she just swung around and snapped a couple times at him and happen to get him. The bite is on his upper lip both outside and in and then he got a some scratches up by his eye as well. Once I got him cleaned up (and myself, mouth injuries bleed A LOT!) and saw what was going on we were headed to the hospital. Luckily I called Matt right after it happened and told him to high tale it home from work because I knew he was going to need stitches and there was no way 9 month pregnant me was going to be able to get Logan through it alone. So just as Matt got home I was finished grabbing stuff and washing us up and off we went. We got right in at the ER and overall weren't their too long by ER standards. Logan was very upset anytime the bite was touched or looked at, but while we were waiting for the topical numbing stuff to take hold he did fall asleep for maybe an hour, unfortunately he was woken up when the doctor came in to stitch him up. That's when the fun really began. They put him in this contraction that made him look like a mummy so he couldn't move around, Matt and I still had to hold his hands down and then a nurse had to keep his head still and the doctor covered his face up. All of this equals one p-offed 2 year old. I have never heard cry so much or so hard and he kept crying for us to help him and that he was stuck. It was heartbreaking. But our little guy was a trooper, once he was stitched up be got his discharge papers and an script for antibiotics (and Elmo stickers and a stuffed dragon from the nurses) and we were on our way. Of course all the stress, noise, etc of the experience was making me have some pretty painful contractions, but once we got home they settled down thankfully, as much as I am ready to have this baby, I wasn't in the mood for it yesterday. Logan is doing good today, he is much more swollen, but otherwise acting pretty normal. He is on a soft diet for a couple of days and antibiotic's for a week and we just have to watch for infection since dog bites become easily infected even when kept as clean as possible. We have ointment to put on the wound twice a day as well and he will have the outer stitches removed Friday or Saturday by his doctor and the inner ones are the dissolving kind so we don't have to worry about those. Matt and I can check this experience off of our parenting list now and hopefully the next time we head to the hospital it will be for this baby!
Some pictures from after we got home from the hospital

Some pictures from after we got home from the hospital

Thursday, September 3, 2009
A Visit From The Binky Fairy
Last Saturday, the "Binky Fairy" made a stop at our house and took Logan's binkies/plugs/pacies/*insert cutsie name here* away for good. We've been weening him off of them for a while, throwing them away when they get nasty and encouraging him to take it out or taking it away during the day, but we finally came to the point when we needed to take them away completely. We also wanted to give him at least a month or so before the new baby's here so that hopefully he won't be feeling dependent on the plug if the baby takes one.
So Saturday morning, before Gymboree, the plugs were rounded up and stuck into a large envelope addressed to the Binky Fairy. He and Brandi put the envelope into the mail slot, and then he and I left for Gymboree. Brandi threw out the plugs and then went to pick out and wrap a new toy for him. Apparently, the Binky Fairy operates much like the Tooth Fairy. They're probably related, as there's a lot of that kind of interbreeding stuff going on in the Fairy community, or so I've heard.
Logan did pretty well for a while, but about halfway through Gymboree we had a major meltdown and he wanted to go home. Not even the temptation of getting fries after Gymboree if we stayed for the whole thing would assuage his meltdown. On the way home he repeatedly asked for his Binky, wailing "Binkyyyyy," and when I told him the Binky Fairy had come to take them away he screamed "Noooo!" He was sure to go through the list in the car too, "White Binky...Blue Binky...Nemo Binky."
When we got home and he saw and opened the toy, a sweet Imaginex Helicopter, he was less whiny. It didn't hurt that Brandi got a couple suckers to go with it too. Cool Transformers G1 type suckers. I was a little jealous.
The rest of the weekend went pretty smoothly as far as tantrums and binky-based meltdowns went. Monday morning we experienced meltdown number 2. His therapist was over, and while Logan was climbing into one of his favorite hiding places, he very lightly bonked the back of his head. Oh man, did that set off the waterworks. He didn't want to cooperate with the therapist for the rest of the session.
Later, we went to the store, and while he and I waited in the car because he'd been crying in the store, he continued to cry and it drove me a little nuts. What are you going to do though?
There's still one plug that we couldn't find in the house to ship away to the Binky Fairy and while we think it's stuck behind the bed somewhere, we're waiting for Logan to come walking through the living room with it one day with a smug grin on his face.
Binky's all ready to go off to the Binky Fairy
The Binky Fairy of course left something behind for Logan for being such a big boy and giving up his binks

Showing off his new loot
So Saturday morning, before Gymboree, the plugs were rounded up and stuck into a large envelope addressed to the Binky Fairy. He and Brandi put the envelope into the mail slot, and then he and I left for Gymboree. Brandi threw out the plugs and then went to pick out and wrap a new toy for him. Apparently, the Binky Fairy operates much like the Tooth Fairy. They're probably related, as there's a lot of that kind of interbreeding stuff going on in the Fairy community, or so I've heard.
Logan did pretty well for a while, but about halfway through Gymboree we had a major meltdown and he wanted to go home. Not even the temptation of getting fries after Gymboree if we stayed for the whole thing would assuage his meltdown. On the way home he repeatedly asked for his Binky, wailing "Binkyyyyy," and when I told him the Binky Fairy had come to take them away he screamed "Noooo!" He was sure to go through the list in the car too, "White Binky...Blue Binky...Nemo Binky."
When we got home and he saw and opened the toy, a sweet Imaginex Helicopter, he was less whiny. It didn't hurt that Brandi got a couple suckers to go with it too. Cool Transformers G1 type suckers. I was a little jealous.
The rest of the weekend went pretty smoothly as far as tantrums and binky-based meltdowns went. Monday morning we experienced meltdown number 2. His therapist was over, and while Logan was climbing into one of his favorite hiding places, he very lightly bonked the back of his head. Oh man, did that set off the waterworks. He didn't want to cooperate with the therapist for the rest of the session.
Later, we went to the store, and while he and I waited in the car because he'd been crying in the store, he continued to cry and it drove me a little nuts. What are you going to do though?
There's still one plug that we couldn't find in the house to ship away to the Binky Fairy and while we think it's stuck behind the bed somewhere, we're waiting for Logan to come walking through the living room with it one day with a smug grin on his face.

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