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Wow, time flies when you have a 3 year old and a newborn at home! Ava turned a month old on Sunday! It hasn't been to hard adding Ava to the mix, for the most part she is a good baby, good sleeper most nights, of course we have had our moments, but in the hard moments we remember what we went through to get her here and suddenly those moments seem less hard. In her first month Ava had a clogged tear duct which isn't a big deal, Logan had that too and she also caught her first cold thanks to big brother. Luckily it wasn't too bad and there was no fever. Ava's one month check-up went well, doctor said she is doing great, and oh boy is she growing! She weighed in at a whopping 11 lbs 3 oz (Logan was in the 9lb range at 1 month) and she is 23.5 inches (which is 95th+ percentile) I guess her huge feet do mean shes going to be tall! Her head size is also in the 95th percentile, which is no big surprise, we have big headed kids thanks to Matt, haha. So our 1 month old is about the size of a 3 month old already and has outgrown all her newborn clothes and a lot of her 3 month clothes just fit her! She loves to eat that's for sure and unlike with Logan we haven't had to supplement with any formula, what a difference the good stuff makes! We are starting to introduce a bottle here and there so she can be fed when I am not available (skating, nights out, etc) Matt gave her the first bottle and she took it with no problems so that is good, I keep building up a milk stash in the freezer and her getting a bottle once in awhile takes some of the feeding pressure off of me. So life has been forever changed, but at the same time it feels like she has always been with us! She is changing so much already we can't wait to watch her grow and start interacting with all if us and watch her and Logan together. Logan is such a sweet big brother, he needs his extra attention right now that's for sure, but he never takes his frustrations out on Ava, he only shows her love which we couldn't be happier about! So happy 1 month to our sweet angel girl, Mommy, Daddy and big brother love you to the moon and back!First Bath (she didn't cry at first, but shes crying in the pictures. Her second bath she didn't cry at all)

Ava on her 1 month birthday! We took a walk to the park since it was so nice out!
We sure had a busy and fun Halloween this year! Of course it was Ava's first Halloween and this was the first year that Logan really went trick-or-treating, and he really, really enjoyed that! We carved pumpkins on Friday night, Logan wasn't into it much, he watched Mommy and Daddy do all the work, but he liked the finished product. On Halloween we had our usual stops to make to show off the kids and their costume's and later that night we were going to a murder mystery dinner at my Mom's house. We did our trick-or -treating out in Dundee where we actually know more people than our own neighborhood, and once Logan saw some other kids doing it, he caught on real fast. Logan was running from house to house and very excited about all his candy in his pumpkin. We went around my Mom's block and headed back since it was so darn cold outside.Once we got back to Mom's Matt and I changed into our 50's gear for the murder mystery dinner, Matt was the business man and I was the cheerleader. My aunts and uncles also came out for the dinner and Logan had a blast playing with his cousins and little miss Ava just hung out and ate as we did our mystery dinner. You will be happy to know that neither Matt nor I were the murderer, however Matt was involved in a plan with others so he wasn't as innocent haha.It was pretty late when we finished up and Logan fell asleep before he even made it out to the car (something that never happens at Grandma's!) All in all it was a fun Halloween this year, can't wait for next year!Our Family of Pumpkins!
Our Thomas the Train and Little Witch!
Out Trick-OR-Treating!
Murder Mystery Players!