Logan participated in the St. Jude Research Hospital Trike-A-Thon at this preschool last week. They were late getting the fund-raising packets so we were not able to collect donations before the event, but we are now! Logan completed 12 laps for the Trike-A-Thon and learned all about bike safety and earned his Trike License! He also learned about the incredible kids at St. Jude and how the Trike-A-Thon was going to help them get better!
If you are able to make a donation on his behalf we (and St. Jude's) would greatly appreciate it. I can't image what those parents and children go through and anything we can do to help, I am sure they will be forever grateful for.
Ava was playing in a laundry basket, eating a cracker and dancing to the Mario Brother's theme song from Logan's DVD. Once I got the camera out she of course stopped dancing so you only see a little of the dancing, but she sure loves dancing, I'll catch her one of these days doing her whole routine.
Time sure flies the second time around!Ava had her 15 month check-up yesterday. She is 27 lbs and 6 oz (95th percentile), 30 and a quarter inches (90th percentile), and her head was 49cm (off the chart, but following it's own curve)She is doing great developmentally, she has quite the vocabulary already and is putting two words together now!
The doctor had no concerns and said she is doing beautifully. Ava got one shot and hardly cried, such a big girl! She is all caught up on immunizations now (except for yearly flu shot/mist) until she is 4.
Back to the doctor in three months for her 18 month??!! appointment, where did our baby go?
Dad has steadily been getting better since I last posted. He has been out of the ICU for two days now and in a step down unit. Today he is being transferred to the rehab facility for the next 7-10 days while he finishes up his antibiotics and a couple other treatments that have to go through an IV and they help him get his strength back. His breathing is so much better now and he is still getting those treatments as well. His kidney function number is now down to 3.2 from 5.6, less than a point away (2.4) from where it usually sits when he is not taxed. So no dialysis was needed, thank God! Hopefully we will see that number go back down to it usual resting place and they will keep watching it. He is still having lower GI issues, although he has no bacteria or virus and at this point they believe it is the antibiotics causing it, as it is killing the good bacteria as well and that is a side effect of any antibiotic as it is, but he is getting super antibiotics and doses. They are giving him magnesium to combat that. His potassium is still too low (he was given so much fluid and he was peeing it all out of course, which was good, but it lowered his potassium (which is usually to high). They tried oral potassium but it wasn't doing the trick so he is getting it through his IV now as well.
I haven't been able to get up to the hospital, last day I saw Dad was Sunday and he was up and out of bed, walking to the bathroom and back, which is great. I helped him eat, which he wasn't able to eat a lot then, but he is eating full meals now just two days later so that is good.
Matt and I have bad colds, which is mostly why once he became stable we haven't been going up there, the doctor told us we have to be very careful about what we expose ourselves and Dad to right now as his resistance is still down and will be once he is home. We won't be going anywhere or taking the kids anywhere unnecessary probably for the next month. Once Dad is actually home we have to be very careful.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, they really did the trick. Thank you to our family for visiting and for helping Matt and I so we could be at the hospital.
Dad is doing MUCH better today! After we left yesterday (Grandma stayed the night), he did start to run a fever, but it was gone by morning which was good. His blood sugars are at a much better level now and the Respiratory Therapist is able to get more off of his chest now so his breathing is much improved which is making him much more comfortable. He looks so much better today and was even joking around. He is very tired as he hasn't been sleeping well (who does in a hospital) so he is hoping to get a better sleep tonight. Here is a run down of everything:
*Kidney function (his normal keratin level is 2.4) went down from 5.6 to 4.125 which means no dialysis! This was a huge relief, as there was talk about kidney biopsies and long term dialysis and back on the transplant list talk yesterday, if there had been serious damage to the kidney and his level went up more. We want to watch that number keep going down to that 2.4 and we are heading in the right direction. *Dad always struggles with anemia, he gets iron shots every two weeks to combat it. With as sick as he has been, he has become very anemic which can also cause the shortness of breath. They are giving him two units of blood tonight to help with anemia. *They are now stopping fluids, which is also contributing to the pneumonia, as he is outputting so much urine (good thing, shows kidney is working) that his potassium level (which is usually to high as a diabetic) is too low now. He is on potassium pills to combat that. *He is receiving breathing treatments and a vest therapy (a vest that goes around his chest that vibrates quite roughly) and that is getting the junk off of his chest nicely. *He is on contact precautions right now as well, so we have to gown and glove before going in the room, good practice for me, I am sure I will be tested on it in school :<).
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, they are working! Thank you to all our family that has visited, it helps and keeps him going!