On Sunday we did a fun, cheap and easy craft with the kids, making superhero capes out of t-shirts! Then we had superhero day on Monday, kids wore their capes, watched a superhero movie (The Incredibles), colored some superhero's and did some superhero training!
We started with two t-shirts and I cut off the front and the arms leaving the collar. Next the kids decorated them with paints! Daddy helped too All done and drying outside! Logan is here to save the day!
We took the kids to Summer Fling this weekend here in town. Logan was very excited about going to the carnival and had seen them setting it up all week, its all he could talk about.
After the storms stopped for the day we headed over to check it out.
Logan had wanted to do this slide/bridge/fun house type thing since he saw them putting it together and he used up all his ride tickets on that one attraction, which he was perfectly happy with.
Ava had fun watching all the rides and playing the duck game, she even won herself a new ball. Logan had his eye on a blow up baseball bat so we let him get that as a souvenir.
They had a live band going and we walked around and checked out the venders and the good eats.
It was quite hot and the kids were getting all flushed so we didn't stay to long, but we think they had a good time at their first carnival despite the crazy heat!
Logan ready to go! Climbing up the rope ladder! Crossing the shaky bridge! And down the slide! Ava trying her luck at the ducky game! Playing with her new ball! Who doesn't need an over sized blow-up bat?
We celebrated Brandi's upcoming 3-0 this weekend with a luau birthday party! It was beautiful outside and everyone has a blast! Thank you to all our family and friends who came out to celebrate with us, it was a great party!
We were a little late getting Ava's 18 month pictures taken (that happens when your kid #2) and we had them taken when she was 19 months, well more like 19 1/2 months old and we got them back from our wonderful photog friend Lance last week. Logan is in here to and of course he is 4 1/2 and counting!
They were all super cute, here are some of our favs!
A glimpse into the teenage years... Picture taking is hard work...