Well we had an eventful Labor Day weekend, and unfortunately
it doesn't include me going into labor. Logan had his first ER trip and first stitches, six to be exact. Logan was outside playing and Daisy, Grandma's dog and Logan buddy was outside also. Logan was playing hopscotch on the drive way and from what I saw, looks like he tripped and fell on top of Daisy and she just swung around and snapped a couple times at him and happen to get him. The bite is on his upper lip both outside and in and then he got a some scratches up by his eye as well. Once I got him cleaned up (and myself, mouth injuries bleed A LOT!) and saw what was going on we were headed to the hospital. Luckily I called Matt right after it happened and told him to high tale it home from work because I knew he was going to need stitches
and there was no way 9 month pregnant me was going to be able to get Logan through it alone. So just as Matt got home I was finished grabbing stuff and washing us up and off we went. We got right in at the ER and overall weren't their too long by ER standards. Logan was very upset anytime the bite was touched or looked at, but while we were waiting for the topical numbing stuff to take hold he did fall asleep for maybe an hour, unfortunately
he was woken up when the doctor came in to stitch him up. That's when the fun really began. They put him in this contraction that made him look like a mummy so he couldn't move around, Matt and I still had to hold his hands down and then a nurse had to keep his head still and the doctor covered his face up. All of this equals one p-offed 2 year old. I have never heard cry so much or so hard and he kept crying for us to help him and that he was stuck. It was heartbreaking. But our little guy was a trooper
, once he was stitched up be got his discharge papers and an script for antibiotics
(and Elmo stickers and a stuffed dragon from the nurses) and we were on our way. Of course all the stress, noise, etc of the experience was making me have some pretty painful contractions, but once we got home they settled down thankfully, as much as I am ready to have this baby, I wasn't in the mood for it yesterday. Logan is doing good today, he is much more swollen, but otherwise acting pretty normal. He is on a soft diet for a couple of days and antibiotic's for a week and we just have to watch for infection since dog bites become easily infected even when kept as clean as possible. We have ointment
to put on the wound twice a day as well and he will have the outer stitches removed Friday or Saturday by his doctor and the inner ones are the dissolving kind so we don't have to worry about those. Matt and I can check this experience off of our parenting list now and hopefully the next time we head to the hospital it will be for this baby!Some pictures from after we got home from the hospital