Unfortunately we didn't get to have our VBAC, but at 41 weeks and 1 day I was ready to be done and so was my body. We went in for the repeat c-section and my blood pressure was up so they ran labs on me again as they had done when I was monitored in L&D at 40 weeks for pre-eclampsia but this time they came back positive. I would have to be put on magnesium sulfate again which we really wanted to avoid because of the terrible side effects for both me and the baby. We also found out because they had 4 unplanned c-sections already that day, they were running very late and my doctor had to be on a plane at a certain time, so we also didn't get to have my doctor deliver, but the doctor that did deliver just happen to be the one other doctor we have seen in the practice so that worked out well. Since I was now high risk because of the pre-e I would be in one of the intensive care rooms on the old post-partum floor and wouldn't get to stay in the new state of the art "tower" rooms...everything that could go wrong right off the bat did, but once she was here, it didn't matter.
Since my doctor was aware of our very difficult c-section with Logan and all the things I felt left out of because of it, he ordered that they not start my magnesium until after delivery, which really made a huge difference and I was awake and able to enjoy this delivery. I went back about an hour later than planned, and they got me ready to go, I got a spinal block rather than the epidural this time, and while it hurt a lot more and took a lot more time than my epidural did to be placed, I had much better pain relief during this section. Once the spinal was in they let Matt in and got down to business. The c-section took longer than my first because of scar tissue from the last one and I also had another problem they had to fix that was a result of my last section, so getting to the baby took longer than it would have other wise, which was nerve racking. Once they got her out they dropped the drape so I could see her as I had requested (with Logan I didn't get to see him until much later and he was all wrapped up already) and Matt got a picture. Seeing her right away was amazing and my first thoughts were that I could see Logan in her, and that she looked huge! She didn't cry until they go her under the warmer, it's always nerve wracking until you here the first cry, but boy once she started she sounded loud and healthy. They had Matt come over and he got to cut the remainder of the cord which is something else we didn't get to do with Logan, but since my doctor is so awesome he made sure all these things happened for us this time. Once Matt was done he came over by me and showed me some pictures he took on the camera. They weighed her and she came in at a whopping 8lbs 4.5oz (almost a pound bigger than Logan) and 20.25 inches (a little shorter than Logan). Her apgars were awesome at 8/9. She did have the umbilical cord wrapped around her body, which might have been the reason she never fully engaged and started labor, and in the long run was probably a good thing. If I had gone into labor the cord would have been compressed at some point during labor and delivery which would have effected her heart rate which happens to to be the number one indicator of scar rupture in VBAC births and I would have been hauled off for an emergency c-section. I believe that God was watching over us and this really was the safest way for her to get here and that's why I never went into labor. Once they got her all wrapped up the nurse brought her over to me and I actually got to hold her (with help) while still laying on the operating table, and it was awesome. Matt took her while they finished up with me and we took some more pictures before heading to recovery.
They started my magnesium once we were in recovery, I tried to feed her but she didn't want to eat and then Matt went and got the family to come see her. I think everyone except for my Mom who thought she was a girl along, was pleasantly surprised to meet Ava! Everyone got a chance to hold her, and eventually I started to feel the effects of the magnesium and by then it was time to move over to the post-partum floor, so we said our goodbyes and we moved over to our room. Ava was taken up to the nursery for her bath and look over and I was given another boost of magnesium which I really reacted too, luckily my Mom was still with us and she kept me cooled off with towels during the 20 minutes of magnesium hell. Eventually I started to feel a little better and Ava was brought back to us and I was able to feed her. I did much better overall this time around and was even able to leave a day early which was great because I missed Logan so much and just wanted to be home with him.
All in all this birth experience was like night and day compared to Logan's birth. It was very healing in a way. Having Ava with us the whole time and knowing she was healthy was a prayer answered, and when we all went home together this time, another answered prayer. It was such a long road to get her here and now that she is here we can't imagine life with out her. She is so beautiful and we are so thankful for our new bundle.
We thank you all for your well wishes, we are all doing well and just getting adjusted to being a family of four now!

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