Logan was more into Christmas this year than last, but still not full blown Christmas craziness, we think that will start next year once he is 3. We read him lots of books about Santa though and he really liked all the Christmas trees he saw, and he really noticed that the tree was gone when he got up the morning after Matt and I took it down. We look forward to seeing his Christmas reaction next year.
We made the usual rounds to all our family and Logan held up pretty well, opening gifts for the most part and not too many melt downs, which was great for a sleep deprived two year old. Matt and I went to the midnight candlelight service at our Church which was nice (We went to the earlier one last year with Logan and it didn't work with Mr. Logan). Christmas morning was fun, Logan would open a present and then want it out right away and then he wanted to play with it, so he only opened a few presents . I opened the rest for him and each one I would show him and he would say "WOW" and then go back to playing with the one he liked the best. Logan has enjoyed playing with his new toys and reading his new books and Matt and I have been having fun with our new Wii Fit!
We capped our holiday celebrations off with going to Holiday Magic and Brookfield zoo, something I have been doing forever, and Matt and I have been doing since we started dating. We went this year my Mom and Aunt Jackie so we had a big group of us and Logan enjoyed being with his cousins and aunt and uncles again. Logan made himself a little girlfriend while at the zoo watching the dolphins. First he went towards her and she backed away, then she came up to him and stole his binky, then Logan gave her a big hug, it was love at first sight. They watched the dolphins together and followed each other around a bit, but then it was time to go, it was the cutest thing ever! Holiday magic was a nice end to a wonderful holiday. We hope you all had as much fun as we did!
Logan hanging out with cousin Kyle.
The Pable side of the family (minus Grandma & Grandpa who stayed down in warm Arkansas)
Matt and Logan on Christmas Eve at the Blumes
Matt and I Christmas Eve
Matt reading Logan "The Night Before Christmas" a tradition since he was born, and he is using my book from when I was little.
Christmas morning at our house!
Logan getting right into it!
Me with the beautiful diamond journey necklace that my wonderful husband gave me.

Having fun at Holiday Magic!

Logan trying to get Aunt Katie to take him outside.
Our little duck lover!

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