We had a rocky start again which made us even more apprehensive to tell people. I was diagnosed with a uterine bleed during my sixth week, however the bleeding started during the fifth week. Basically they think the baby implanted and then detached found a better spot and attached on again causing the bleed. So this issue had no relationship with what we dealt with this summer. I was put on limited activity bed rest which wasn't too bad, but annoying enough and since I was on progesterone I was at the advantage of having the bleed heal up quicker, which it did by the ninth week. This baby is sure a fighter. I am feeling very tired, but now in the second trimester that should ease up, I am also off my progesterone starting today so that should bring me out of zombie land and back to the living.
The details so far:
When I first found out I was pregnant I spent two weeks going in and having blood draws again, to check my progesterone and my hcg level, my numbers started out much higher than with the last pregnancy so we were very hopeful. I have had 4 ultrasounds so far, but I only have pictures of 3 of them. When I first started having problems we assumed I was miscarrying again, so I called and went in for a blood test. If my hormone numbers were going down from the last time they checked we were going to try to let things happen naturally and not do another D&C, but to our wonderful surprise my numbers had gone up and I went in the next day for a very early ultrasound I was only 5 weeks 6 days. Everything looked good during the ultrasound, she didn't see a baby yet, but all other things that should be there were (fetal pole, yolk sac) and then right before she was done she found this little line that was pulsating and she said it's too early to put it in the report, but that's your baby. It was truly amazing to see a baby that early on. Unfortunately, Matt had to skip that appointment since Logan was sick with the stomach flu, going to that appointment by myself expecting the worse was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.
I went in again at 6 weeks and 4 days and we saw the baby 100% for sure and we heard it's beautiful heartbeat for the first time, this ultrasound was the one in which she found the uterine bleed. It wasn't to big of one which was good, it was close to the baby though and the worry was that if it got bigger faster then the baby did, it would cause the baby to detach and thus a m/c. So I was put on limited activity bed rest, full pelvic rest and we hoped for the best. At 9 weeks 1 day I went in for my official first ob and another ultrasound which showed the bleed had healed. We were pretty relieved, baby looked great and we heard the heartbeat again, such a reassuring sound.
Today I am 12 weeks and 1 day, we went in for my NT Scan which is an ultrasound that measures the folds in the baby's neck and that measurement along with a blood test can tell if you are at risk for genetic abnormalities and if so you can then decided if you want to do a CVS test or an amino to know for sure. My measurements were low which is good and we will get the full report in a few days. My ob appointment went well and we go back in three weeks for another genetic screen blood test and my 16 week appointment although I will only be 15 weeks, not a big deal though.
We are going to attempt a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) so it could be a September baby or another October baby for us. If for some medical reason I need a repeat c-section and we know ahead of time, I will for sure be having the baby in the last two weeks for September. Either way I foresee Logan and his new sibling sharing a birthday party or two haha.
I think that's about it for now!
Here are some pictures of our journey so far!

Found out on January 17, 2009
Yes we have been keeping it a secret longer than I thought possible!
6 weeks 4 days. The arrow is pointed to the baby, the circle next to the baby is the yolk sac which is what feeds the baby in early pregnancy.
9 weeks and 2 day, everything looking good! Matt said it looks like a jellybean and so this baby is now our jellybean!
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