Well we went into our 20 week "big" ultrasound this morning all ready to find out if we were having a boy or a girl (if you remember with Logan we did not find out). We are planning on finding out this time, but still keeping it a secret from family, I know we are cruel. Once we got going with the ultrasound it was pretty clear we were not going to find out today. The baby was in a very weird position and the tech wasn't able to tell at all. Baby was laying on it's back with it's legs above it's head, legs tightly shut, some of the umbilical cord stuffed down in there as well as one of it's hands, this baby really didn't want to make itself known that's for sure. The ultrasound tech also was not able to get all the anatomy shots she needed due to the baby's position. So we will have another ultrasound at our next appointment in 4 weeks and hopefully baby will be positioned better to see everything. What they could see, looked perfect and baby is measuring just about a pound which is where it should be and I am measuring about 21 weeks, which I will be on Wednesday. Blood pressure is holding steady at about 122/78 the last two visit's, it was up in the 140's for two of my visits with my old doctor, I have since switched to a new doctor that is VBAC friendly and overall just a better fit for me, we are very happy with our new doctor and I think my high pressures were due to the stress I felt going to the doctor I had been seeing, he had been making us feel very uncomfortable about our choice not to do an automatic repeat c-section and we were just not meshing well so hopefully those pressures were a fluke (I was on bedrest with Logan for the last month with high blood pressure and treated as a pre-eclampic while in labor). That is all for now, here are a couple of photo's, not to great this time, hopefully we will get better pictures next time. The first picture is the baby laying on it's back with it's legs above it's head, the second picture is the baby's arm above it's head, and the last one is a shot of a foot.

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