We are so proud of you sweetie, you do amazing things for this family and we are forever grateful.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Congrats To Matt!!!
Matt received a glowing review this week after being in his circulation manager position for a year now, and we couldn't be more proud of him! Matt was very excited with how pleased and happy the director is with him. All his hard work earned not to shabby of a raise as well!
We are so proud of you sweetie, you do amazing things for this family and we are forever grateful.
We are so proud of you sweetie, you do amazing things for this family and we are forever grateful.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Big Girl In The Big Tub!
Ava took her first bath in the big tub today, she can sit up just fine now so we broke out the old bath ring seat thingy from Logan. She loves her bath time and she really loved sharing the tub with big brother, and surprisingly Logan was happy to share his bath time with his little sister. The happily splashed and played, Logan helped clean Ava some too. I must say being able to throw them both in the tub at the same time sure stream lines things!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Daddy's Little Geek-et...
Our Level 1 Human...

The geek gene runs deep on Matt's side of the family so of course when we had Logan three years ago, his older brother got Logan this little number, it's a role playing onesie...yea totally not my thing but still cute. This summer when we were going through baby clothes I promised Matt she could wear it once for a photo so here it is.
Just for fun here is Logan in the aforementioned onesie, please note the added geekness with role playing cards and dice.

The geek gene runs deep on Matt's side of the family so of course when we had Logan three years ago, his older brother got Logan this little number, it's a role playing onesie...yea totally not my thing but still cute. This summer when we were going through baby clothes I promised Matt she could wear it once for a photo so here it is.
Just for fun here is Logan in the aforementioned onesie, please note the added geekness with role playing cards and dice.

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Happy 6 Months Ava!!
Wow, I can not believe that she is 6 months, half a year, half way to 1, already. This time 6 months ago we were in recovery snuggling with our fresh out of the oven baby girl. It really does go so much faster with your second. What an incredible six months we have had with her, she is truly a joy and the perfect addition to our family. We are very excited to see what the next six months brings us. We are truly blessed.
Ava had her 6 month well check-up today and her doctor said she was perfect, no concerns and that she was a keeper (well of course we knew that already). She is 18lbs 4 oz and very tall at 28 inches. They checked her eye sight today, which was interesting. They hooked up electrodes to her head and turned out the lights in this little room and had her watch a screen with different images and music and her eyes checked out perfect, they will check her again when she is two, so that was good news. She goes back at 9 months for a well check up, which is crazy to think about time is going way to fast!
Here is our BIG 6 month old!!

(and reason 426 that I love my new sink, we can bathe Ava in it and not mess with that whale tub thing anymore! She LOVED taking a bath in the new sink)
Ava had her 6 month well check-up today and her doctor said she was perfect, no concerns and that she was a keeper (well of course we knew that already). She is 18lbs 4 oz and very tall at 28 inches. They checked her eye sight today, which was interesting. They hooked up electrodes to her head and turned out the lights in this little room and had her watch a screen with different images and music and her eyes checked out perfect, they will check her again when she is two, so that was good news. She goes back at 9 months for a well check up, which is crazy to think about time is going way to fast!
Here is our BIG 6 month old!!
(and reason 426 that I love my new sink, we can bathe Ava in it and not mess with that whale tub thing anymore! She LOVED taking a bath in the new sink)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Easter Party and Bowling!
We had a busy day today, but we had a ton of fun! We started the day at the Church where Logan attends MDO (Mother's Day Out) for an Easter Party. Logan was excited to go to "school" he has been off for two weeks for spring break and then good Friday. Just as we pulled in the parking lot my cousin and her two boys (whom Logan loved to play with) pulled in at the same time, they are members at the church so it was a nice surprise that they happen to be gong to the party too. Logan was shy at first because the party wasn't in his normal classroom, but he warmed up and made some cute crafts and an Easter basket for the egg hunt. The kids decorated cupcakes with all kinds of yummy stuff so they had that and juice for a snack and then they went into another room to read a story while they hid the eggs. Once the egg hunt was over we said our goodbyes and headed home for lunch and then out to my Mom's so we could all go bowling!

If you remember we were going to go bowling with my Mom and family for her birthday but Logan got car sick on the way out and we weren't sure if he was sick sick, or if it was just car sickness (it was) so we rescheduled and went today. Logan was a little scared at first because it was really noisy and the cosmic bowling lights were on, but once he started bowling he was fine and Matt had them turn down the music because it was really loud and we had Ava with us. Logan used the ramp to do his bowling, and he managed both a strike and to beat me in the second game we played, must be all the Wii bowling he does. Of course while he waited for his turn to bowl he grabbed Aunt Katie's iPod and played bowling on it, guess he had to hone his skills between frames. After bowling we all went out for ice cream and then back to my Mom's for dinner and egg coloring. Fun was had by all!

If you remember we were going to go bowling with my Mom and family for her birthday but Logan got car sick on the way out and we weren't sure if he was sick sick, or if it was just car sickness (it was) so we rescheduled and went today. Logan was a little scared at first because it was really noisy and the cosmic bowling lights were on, but once he started bowling he was fine and Matt had them turn down the music because it was really loud and we had Ava with us. Logan used the ramp to do his bowling, and he managed both a strike and to beat me in the second game we played, must be all the Wii bowling he does. Of course while he waited for his turn to bowl he grabbed Aunt Katie's iPod and played bowling on it, guess he had to hone his skills between frames. After bowling we all went out for ice cream and then back to my Mom's for dinner and egg coloring. Fun was had by all!
Matt Is So Handy...
Matt out his tool belt on once again and put in our new sink and faucet (which came 2 weeks early whoo hoo!) The hardest part that required several trips to the hardware store was reconfiguring our pipes because the drain was in totally different spot on the new sink and it was 3 inches deeper which meant cutting some pipes. Matt got it all done and it looks so nice and having the deeper sink really makes a difference when you can't have a double sink! It looks great with the new counter tops too. Good job Matt, what's your next project going to be?

Friday, April 2, 2010
Poor Easter Bunny...
Today after Matt got home from work we headed to the mall to see the Easter Bunny, which Logan was excited about, until he saw the Easter Bunny. Cue big ol' freak out. He reacted the same last year, but this year he was ok with Santa so I thought maybe he was old enough to try the Easter Bunny again, but no dice, in defense of Logan I can understand why the Easter Bunny is a little freaky.
Ava on the other hand just sat on the Easter Bunny's lap like it was no big deal. So we still got a picture of Ava and the bunny for her first Easter. As we were leaving I said poor Easter bunny, I think you scared him with your crying and screaming Logan, so the rest of the night we kept hearing Logan say poor Easter Bunny. I think he was a little concerned whether or not he was still going to get an Easter Basket after the whole debacle.
After we got home we colored Easter eggs, which Logan loved, he wanted to do more, but only had a dozen, but we are going to do some tomorrow so he was happy with that and went of to bed. Busy day tomorrow but it should be fun!

and some I took

Egg Coloring Fun

Ava on the other hand just sat on the Easter Bunny's lap like it was no big deal. So we still got a picture of Ava and the bunny for her first Easter. As we were leaving I said poor Easter bunny, I think you scared him with your crying and screaming Logan, so the rest of the night we kept hearing Logan say poor Easter Bunny. I think he was a little concerned whether or not he was still going to get an Easter Basket after the whole debacle.
After we got home we colored Easter eggs, which Logan loved, he wanted to do more, but only had a dozen, but we are going to do some tomorrow so he was happy with that and went of to bed. Busy day tomorrow but it should be fun!
and some I took
Egg Coloring Fun
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