Ava had her 6 month well check-up today and her doctor said she was perfect, no concerns and that she was a keeper (well of course we knew that already). She is 18lbs 4 oz and very tall at 28 inches. They checked her eye sight today, which was interesting. They hooked up electrodes to her head and turned out the lights in this little room and had her watch a screen with different images and music and her eyes checked out perfect, they will check her again when she is two, so that was good news. She goes back at 9 months for a well check up, which is crazy to think about time is going way to fast!
Here is our BIG 6 month old!!
(and reason 426 that I love my new sink, we can bathe Ava in it and not mess with that whale tub thing anymore! She LOVED taking a bath in the new sink)
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