Logan had his fillings done today, everything went fine other than having to give him a third type of sedative because the "cocktail" and nitrous oxide wasn't enough to put him out, he put up a good fight and as the dentist said he is very strong. They did x-rays which they couldn't do at his cleaning because he was so upset, so we knew he had to have fillings, but we didn't know if there was anything worse than just surface cavities, thankfully that is all they were. After Logan drank the medicine he came back out to the waiting room with me and Ava (Matt was with him when he did the drink) and it started to kick in pretty fast, picture a 3 year old drunk....it was funny until he got really drowsy then he was just difficult. I ended up carrying him back to the chair, we had to put him into one of those boards that Velcro's a blanket around him like when he got his stitches last summer, so of course he flipped out for that, it took a good 5+ minutes until he finally was quite and I slipped out the door once they got him on the heart monitor (NICU flash back, all those hours I sat there watching his monitors, praying and willing his respiration's to go down and here he as hooked up on a monitor again) and his heart rate slowed (his heart was pounding like crazy) Matt, Ava and I stayed in the waiting room until he was done, he woke up a little when Matt picked him up and then put him in the van, but he pretty much slept until 3pm. Matt had went into work around 1:30 while he was still sleeping, but once he woke up it was crazy time and I had to have Matt come home from work, as he was not reacting well to the sedation wearing off. He fell twice and hit his head because I was trying to get him something to eat, he didn't know what he wanted, crying, stumbling, fighting me, then cuddling. I couldn't take care of both of them so Matt came home. I finally got him back to sleep at 6, and that was after three of the hardest hours I have had with him in his almost 4 years of life. I had a big glass of wine with dinner tonight...
So glad this is behind us now, very nerve wracking having your child under anesthesia, and please can Logan get a break for awhile now, we both need it!
Getting sleepy and reading with Daddy

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