Peanut, we think about you often and miss you so very much. Your short 10 weeks with us was not without meaning. Thank you for watching over us and over Ava when she was just hanging on. We don't know what we would have done if we lost her too. You are always in our hearts angel baby.
I was surfing the web, when i came across this blog. I just recently lost my first baby at 9wks gestation. We called the baby Lil' Peanut. We had been trying for 9yrs and was told we would never have a child. Then SURPRISE! We were over joyed. It has been such a loss and reading ur blog gave me a lil connection to my baby again. I'm so sorry for ur loss, and I hope time has helped.
So sorry to hear of your loss. Time has helped, but you never forget. I hope you find peace as time goes on.
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