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Lodge Christmas Party!
We went to the lodge Christmas party today and the kids had fun and Logan was very excited about Santa bringing him an early present. They had a magician again this year, although this one wasn't as good as last years and didn't really hold Logan's interest to much. After the magician was done the kids all got hyped up for Santa's visit, to my surprise Logan didn't freak out, he did come over by us and I told him to go sit with the other kids to get his present and he did. Santa read the kids a story first and Logan sat there in awe. Ava cried of course when she went up with Daddy to get her gift, but Logan was a big boy this year and went up by himself and took a picture with Santa. There were some tears shed when Logan realized it wasn't the huge Thomas the Train set he had asked Santa for, but we told him that Santa didn't bring his sleigh today and that was to big a gift to bring today, that seemed to satisfied him and then he as excited about his new Handy Mandy and tools. Ava got another talking purse, Santa must not have talked with the Easter Bunny, as he brought Ava the same purse last Easter. Oh well, she wanted it opened so we opened it up for her and hey a girl can never have to many purses anyway. After Santa we had some food downstairs and Ava started to get crabby since she missed a nap, so we headed home. Glad we were able to make it despite the sickies going on, I felt like crud but the kids are doing fine and Matt doesn't seem to be feeling to bad, hopefully we are on the mend now!Daddy explaining Lodge stuff to Logan (only 13 more years until he can go ya know)
Listening to Santa's story
Ava listening to Santa
She got bored quick
Ava getting her gift from Santa
She knew just what to do with that gift
Logan's turn with Santa
And he knows what to do as well
Having some eats!
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