Logan has grandparent's day and Mom's night coming up at school and he is very excited! He is all registered for preschool for next year. He will be going Mon. Wed. Fri. next year. This is his last year of MDO, but Ava will be taking his place on Friday's at MDO, which means Mom get's one day of peace next year! Logan is working on writing his name and learning to write his letters and numbers and we are starting sight words for some reading! Logan is still doing gymnastics and has a blast doing that!
Ava turned 16 months old on the 8th, can you believe it? We can't!

She has such a personality wrapped up in that tiny body. She is learning new words every day and is already putting two words together, sometimes even three! She even follows simple comands already, she is quite the smarty pants. She is all drama all the time as well, for now it's still cute. She loves to eat anything and everything. We took away her bottle when she turned 16 months (she only used it for milk) which was a little rough, but she is doing good without in now, although she is more attached to her binky and blanky since giving up the bottle. Ava will be starting parent tot gymnastics next session! I can't wait, and Ava who always tries to escape out to the gym during Logan's classes will love it, she jumps all over the beds and couch now and has no fear. Ava has never been in a play group or Gymboree like Logan was from 5 months on, I guess when you are the second child you get gipped on some stuff. So we are excited for her to start her first class!
School is going great for me, I love it and feel like I am finally in the right place! We have had 4 skills tests so far and I received three perfect 4.0's (hand washing, isolation, unoccupied bed making) and a 3.75 on occupied bed making, so all A's so far in lab and our first theory test I received 19.5 points out of 20, I'll take it! I have another theory test on Monday, and height and weight measurement lab test on Friday and this coming Saturday we have our first clinical (orientation and bed making) and then back to school for a lab test on bed bath and grooming. It's a lot of work, but when you enjoy what you are doing it doesn't seem so bad. I have had a lot of people ask me about skating. I am not skating right now, I usually skated on Saturday's and with being at clinical until 3:30 most Saturday's I couldn't make it work. I also can't get hurt right now as this is very physical class with lab and clinical, if I took a bad fall and really got hurt and broke something I would have to withdraw. So until May I am off the ice. I miss it a lot and fell very out of shape, but I know after being off the ice for my pregnancies that it's like riding a bike and I will just have to work up my endurance again. I am also missing the ice show this year, but hopefully I will be back at it next year.
Matt is super busy at work right now, which is a constant cause of stress for him, but I guess that is better than no work at all! Matt has been making good effort in getting in writing time everyday and has started going to a writer's group at an area library, he is enjoying that and hopes to get a short story published soon! Matt has been holding down the fort while I have been at school and the kids enjoy their Daddy time. Matt has some home projects lined up as soon as we get some warmer weather around here, including a new wood swing set that Logan asks about every day, poor kid can't wait to get outside and play!
Dad has been back with us for almost a month now. He is doing good, pretty much back to full activity level. He is done with physical therapy now and his nurse is back to visiting just once a week.
That's about it from our end! Hope all is well with you!
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