Logan is back in preschool for the year! He is attending Mon-Wed-Fri this year and really likes his new teacher and classroom!
Ava started MDO, her first time going there and did pretty well. Only one major melt down when she realized Brandi left, but after that was over she did great for a first timer. She did a lot better then Logan did his first day according to the teachers...haha! We shall see how she does at drop off next week, probably some tears, hopefully they will be short lived though!
Brandi started back at Elmhurst last week. She is taking a capstone class this semester that will mirror the internship process of the I/O Psychology masters she started a few years back. Due to some issues with her proposal and difficult faculty members she never was able to get her internship proposal approved, which was a problem since she was already done with her internship and just needed to get the paper out of the way. Since so many students were running into similar problems, or didn't have an internship connection, this class was formed so all those still in limbo could complete their internship/paper requirement and earn their masters degree. Brandi actually has two other people from her original cohort in her class, so that was fun for her to see them again. While she no longer wants to pursue this career path, having the M.A. completed will allow her if she chooses, to do a bridge RN program and could end up with a MSN rather then a BSN down the road in nursing. Everything should be wrapped up in December, and she counting down the days already!
If all goes to plan next year Matt should be joining the back to school crew as he hopefully will be starting his MLS (Masters in Library Science) next summer!
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