Ava decided to make a Miss Piggy who is also a puppet which was cool and Logan picked out a wiener dog to go with his German Shepard he made last time (he named it Hotdog of course). The kids had fun stuffing and giving their new friends a bath. They also got free Build A Bear egg dying kits which was cool, now I don't have to worry about picking up egg dying stuff and they also come with stuff to decorate the eggs like Build A Bear animals...cute!
Then we headed to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch, we got right in which was nice. Ava LOVED it, especially the big butterflies with moving wings. They both liked all the fish tanks, Logan freaked out a little when the lights went down and the "thunderstorm" started and he wasn't a fan of the big moving monkey's. Ava on the other hand loved the big gorilla and was pounding her chest to be just like him. Both kids had a a mini pizza and all in all a good time was had.
As much as I hate the big play area at the mall (oh God the germs...) we headed over there and the kids ran around like crazy people for an hour while Matt and I got to sit next to each other and talk which was nice!
We then headed over to the Easter Bunny, which we also walked right up to, no lines makes Mommy and Daddy happy. Since there was no line we got to spend a little time with the bunny. Ava liked him, waved at him, said Hi, went up and got her little treat from him, but when it was picture time she declined a seat on his lap, or bench, or just standing there with Daddy. Logan on the other hand took a great picture with the Easter Bunny (I haven't gotten a picture of him and the Easter Bunny since he was 6 months old!). Maybe next year I will get both of them...a Mom can dream.
It was a long and exhausting day, but we had fun!
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