I went along with Matt and Logan to his gymnastics class this Thursday, I haven't been since he first started. I wanted to see how he was doing and get some pictures. He does pretty well during class and he is catching on to some of the moves. He should be moving up to the independent class this next session, hopefully he will do ok in that class, if not we will put him back in parent tot class for another session. Anyway here is some pictures of our little gymnast. Ava was wide awake and very interested in everything that was going on...maybe there is hope for the future in her, of course I already know that I will start her at 18 months and I can't wait to buy her first leo!Getting some good air!

Man it's hard to believe the stuff I use to do on this 4 inch beam...He ran over to me during class and said " Mommy I love gymnastics!" Me too kiddo, me too...
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