Thursday, February 4, 2010
Potty Training, Thomas Undies & Breathing Treatments, Oh My!
We have a lot to catch up on, as always we are busy over here! Let's start with the best news first! Logan is officially potty trained!!!! Two weekends ago we started the hard core potty training and while he resisted at the beginning of the first day, he had it down by the second day, even took his own diaper off on the second day and went and used the potty in the morning. It was surprisingly easy process, and everyone was right, when they are ready it will be easy and it sure was. He has only had 2 accidents since the first day, not to bad. He hasn't been to school yet because he was sick last week so tomorrow will be his first day at school in underwear so we are hoping it goes smoothly. Logan is very proud of himself and loves wearing his Thomas undies and loves showing anyone who comes over his new big boy underwear. It is so nice to only have to change diapers on one child now! Logan still does pull-ups at night and probably will for a little while but we are so proud of our big boy and he is excited that he will get to go to big boy school in the fall now that he is potty trained. I still can't believe that it was so easy and he has taken to it so easily! So we only have one in diapers now and I hope to never have two in diapers at the same time again! In not so great news Ava is back on breathing treatments with a nebulizer, she ended up getting Logan's cold thing he had going on and she started wheezing and coughing again so we took her in yesterday and her doctor wanted her back on treatments. Since this is the second time in a short period of time that she has needed the nebulizer we got our own through our insurance so when this happens again we can start her on the treatments right away and hopefully avoid it getting this bad. She is a little trooper though and she tolerates her treatments (which are every four hours) for the most part so we are hoping she will turn the corner soon and start to get better. Ava goes in for her four month well check up next week so her doctor will see how she is doing at that point and hopefully we can stop treatments by then. As if we didn't have enough stress with Logan in the ER last week, now we have to watch our baby struggle through this too. I for one can not wait until summer and all the sickies are gone and we for sure will avoid having to bring a baby home in the fall or winter every again because there is no way to keep a baby healthy if there is a germy older sibling. Here are some recent pictures of our sweeties!

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