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Another Trip To The ER For Logan...
The scariest moment of my life was last night, Logan woke up late last night coughing unlike any cough I had ever heard, I knew it had to be croup we grabbed him out of bed and took him outside but the cold wasn't helping and he was starting to really struggle to breath. He was so scared, it was awful. Matt threw him in the car and went to the ER. They took him right in when they got there and gave him two steroid shots and a breathing treatment and then observed him for several hours. Ugg what a night, Ava is the only one that got any sleep last night. He is doing better this morning, no coughing attacks so that is good. That was the scariest moment of my life, watching your child struggling to breath. Now I am praying Ava doesn't get sick. It seemed to come out of no where, he seemed like he might be getting a little cold yesterday, sneezing and a little cough here and there, but when I put him to bed the cough started sounding horse so I figured he was tired and for sure getting a cold. When he woke up coughing though we knew it was something worse.
Last time Logan was sick he had a cough and the doctor said it was croup and gave him the steroid shots but that cough was nothing like this and he never struggled to breath, I feel so bad for him he keeps getting these big old shots in his legs. I know he was bad last night because this morning he keeps telling me he loves shots, for him to say that it must have been bad!So last night takes the cake for scariest parenting moment so far!
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