While I was excited I was pregnant, I really didn't get excited about the pregnancy. Granted I was taking my meds and hopeful they would keep me pregnant this time, I just couldn't get attached yet. Sure enough about 2 weeks later I was bleeding again, and lot worse than with my miscarriage and the sad thing was that wasn't even that upset. I thought at least it's happening early this time and we won't ride the emotional roller coaster of literally watching our baby slowly die this time. I called the doctor told them what was going on and the nurse told me she was sorry and to come in for another blood draw to see where my numbers were at. Of course my number had went up so even though it was early I headed in for an ultrasound. I expected the worse of course and to make matters worse Logan had the stomach flu and I had to go alone, it was not a fun day. So I go in for the ultrasound and everything that should be there at that stage (fetal pole, sac) was there still and after the ultrasound tech looked around she said I can't see the baby yet, but at this stage it's ok, and just as soon as she said that she said wait and all of a sudden I saw this tiny little line and it was pulsating, she said, it's too early to put in the report but between you and me that is your baby and the pulsating is it's heartbeat. It just took the breath right out of me. It was truly amazing to see life at that stage. I left still feeling uncertain and refused to let myself become attached to that beautiful pulsating line after all they couldn't see a reason for the bleeding, just like last time, I thought my body was failing this baby again.
I had more bleeding on and off the next week, and I went back in for a follow up during the sixth week, thankfully Matt was with me this time, but we both remained very detached to the whole thing, we always expected to be told our baby was gone. Once again everything was still there and there it was a beautiful little bean with a strong heartbeat measuring spot on. Amazing truly. During this ultrasound the tech found the source of the bleeding, it wasn't too big of a uterine bleed, but it was very close to the baby. My heart sunk again. It was pretty much a 50/50 shot now either the bleed gets bigger and detaches the baby thus causing another miscarriage or the bleed heals up and we have a baby. I was put on modified bed rest and we hoped for the best, I wouldn't have another ultrasound until my first OB appointment at 9 weeks. It was another hellish 3 weeks but when we went in for that 9 week ultrasound we saw a beautiful baby in there with a beautiful heartbeat and the best news was that the bleed had healed! Matt looked at the ultrasound and said it looks like a jellybean, and I thought well maybe we are going to have a baby after all...
It took a long while to get excited about Ava's pregnancy, I just couldn't let myself get hurt again, but as she held on and grew we opened our hearts. One of the reasons we found out the sex ahead of time this time was because Matt and I were both having a hard time connecting to the pregnancy and to the baby, once we found out we were having a girl and we picked her name out, it really helped to kind of pre-bond with her and I think that helped us during the pregnancy and I think it also helped me post delivery in bonding with her. She is our little fighter and I just wish I knew how that story was going to end a year a go today when I found out she was on the way. I do wish I could have enjoyed more of her pregnancy, but after you have suffered a loss, I don't think you ever look at pregnancy the same, I think about how happy and care free I was with Logan's pregnancy and sadly Matt and I have talked about how it will NEVER be like that again, your changed forever when it happens to you.
Ava was truly a gift from above and we know our angle baby Peanut was watching out for her.
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