Ava got her first ornament from Matt's Mom and we had one made for her at the mall as well as a new family ornament, they both turned out really cute!
We received a special ornament from my Mom in remembrance of our little Peanut, always close to our hearts and never forgotten, it's nice to know others remember our Peanut too.
Logan loves to help cook, so he was very excited to make Christmas cookies this year. He helped me make all of them, so once Ava would go down for a nap each day we would head into the kitchen to make some cookies. Logan added ingredients for me, cracked eggs, put kisses on, and rolled dough and did cut-outs. He also made some cute mouse cookies when he spent the night over at my Mom's.
Seeing Santa went better than last year (we actually didn't do mall Santa last yea,r just the one at lodge and that was traumatizing enough to Logan...) Logan was excited about it, but as we grew closer to Santa he got a little worried, but he did sit beside Santa and took a picture and after that he did tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas (a BIG garbage truck) and all was well. We saw Santa again at the annual Mason Christmas party and Logan cried when he had to go up and get his present from Santa, but after he opened his gift he did go up to Santa and shake his hand, it was so cute! Ava also got to take a solo picture at the lodge party which turned out really nice.
Of course we hit Holiday Magic something Matt and I have been doing since we started dating, the only year we didn't go was 2006 since we had just had Logan and we didn't want to take him out in the cold after his NICU stay because of pneumonia. Ava did great we bundled her up and she stayed in the baby carrier most of the time. It did start to rain towards the end of the night but we were on our way out anyway. Logan's highlight of the zoo is sticking his face in the cutout board...
Christmas Eve we went to the candlelight service at Church, and Logan was such as good boy, he sat with us the whole time and was quite, we were very proud of him, after church we headed to Grandma Blumes for Christmas with Dad's side of the family. Logan was way excited to get to the presents! I took some pictures of the kids in their Christmas duds before church.

After celebrating at Grandma's we headed home to get our cookies and milk ready for Santa and put out our reindeer dust that Logan made at school. After that was taken care of Matt read the kids The Night Before Christmas and then it was off to bed!
We had a blast Christmas morning, once Logan woke up enough he got right into the swing of opening presents, of course being the wonderful big brother that he is, he went ahead and opening Ava's gifts too and made sure to show her everything she got. Logan was pretty excited when he opened his BIG garbage truck that he asked Santa for. He must have been a good boy this year because Santa sure spoiled him! After we were done at our house we headed to Matt's parents and then my Mom's to finish up celebrating Christmas. This year we were reminded how blessed we are as we celebrated with our two beautiful children and wonderful family. I really can't wait until next year, just think Ava will be walking and Logan will be a big preschooler I am sure it will be a blast!

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