Friday, December 31, 2010


Things are not going well, Dad was transferred to the ICU today.

We couldn't get a hold of him this morning, so my Grandparents called the nurse station and found out that his blood sugar was 21 and he was unresponsive when they found him this morning (80-120 is normal blood sugar level), not good, he clearly should not have been left on the renal floor, he needed to be in ICU where he can get the care he needs. One of us should have stayed with him last night.

Soon after we got there they were still trying to get him stabilized with his sugars in the 30's, but he was responsive. When I walked in I could tell things were rough, the floor had medical garbage all over, his blanket's had been thrown in the corner. Luckily Grandma brought some apple juice with her, we got him to drink the little cup of orange juice the nurse had and then the apple juice.
The nurse came back after the second blood check and let us know they were moving him to ICU, thank God!

They checked him right before they transferred him and blood sugar was up to 107 which is good.

Once they got him settled in ICU we went in, and that's where I spent most of the day.

He has pneumonia now is his left lung, he is on antibiotics for that. His kidney functioning is a little worse, today, not my much though. He is getting blood sugar checks frequently and they keep giving him sugar through the IV. Being dehydrated from the diarrhea and the lack of eating and insulin is making it hard to control the sugar level.

Urine output is good, so we are hoping that damage this is doing to his kidney will resolve once the dust settles on everything else. When we know the number tomorrow if it is better than great, go on treating hte infection. If the number goes up more (normal for keratin is 2, he is closing in on 5) then they will start dialysis and go from there. Whether we are talking about short-term dialysis vs. long term and on the transplant list is yet to be seen.

Once he is out of ICU, and on a regular medical floor he will then be discharged to a rehab facility, one that does Dialysis just in case. He will be there for 7-14 days. This has been going on for a week now and he is very weak and will need some help getting back up to functioning.

So yea, not the best New Years Eve, almost 12 years to the date of the last time he was this seriously ill, I remember it very clearly because we didn't think he was going to make it (and I had just started dating Matt) but as always he pulled through. I know he can do it again.

Prayers are much appreciated and needed.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Dad is getting worse, he is very uncomfortable and breathing is difficult. I haven't been able to talk to him all day, my grandparents have been with him, but I really feel like he needs to be in the ICU. I have a feeling if things don't turn around tomorrow that is where he is headed. Matt and I are both fighting another cold, mine is not so bad, but I decided not to go up to the hospital when Matt got home as I don't want to make things worse by giving him some cold on top of all this. Matt is off tomorrow so I will be going up there in the morning.

Thoughts & prayers are much appreciated.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thoughts & Prayers

My Dad had to go into the hospital yesterday he has been sick with the flu that we seem to have infected half our family with, and it's to that point and we don't want him to get more dehydrated or for the cough to turn into pneumonia again.

Yesterday he had a chest x-ray which showed no pneumonia, he has been started in antibiotics, they are giving him fluids, his keratin level is at 4, much higher than normal.

Today his doctor ordered to push fluids until he couldn't take anymore, which they did and he developed shortness of breath, so they are backing off the fluids now and started breathing treatments and hopefully the shortness of breath will ease up, it was bad and I noticed it before he even said anything about this evening. His keratin level went down, but not much, hopefully more improvement tomorrow. Still is having bowel issues, they are testing to see exactly what virus we are dealing with.

His doctors both said at least another 24-48 hours. I will probably be heading in there tomorrow to make sure things are going ok and to bring him his book reader, the whole time I was on the phone with him this evening his IV pump was beeping and no one came to take care of it, that irritates me.

Positive Thoughts and Prayers are much appreciated, not our first trip to the rodeo, but it never get's any easier.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Zoo Lights!

We headed to the zoo tonight with my cousins and their kids for Holiday Magic. I have been going every year since I was little, and Matt and I have been every year expect the year Logan was born since we have been together. We had a lot of fun, the kids loved running around and playing in all the snow, we adults enjoyed Hottie Totties (Hot Chocolate and Peppermint Schnapps) and the light displays.

Some of the fun!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa Was Here!

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve lunch with my Grandparents and Dad and then a yummy Christmas Eve dinner at Mom's tonight, with all the family. Kids are tucked away in bed and Santa's elves were busy as work!

He was here!

Can't wait for the kids reactions tomorrow morning! Happy Christmas Eve!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lodge Christmas Party!

We went to the lodge Christmas party today and the kids had fun and Logan was very excited about Santa bringing him an early present. They had a magician again this year, although this one wasn't as good as last years and didn't really hold Logan's interest to much. After the magician was done the kids all got hyped up for Santa's visit, to my surprise Logan didn't freak out, he did come over by us and I told him to go sit with the other kids to get his present and he did. Santa read the kids a story first and Logan sat there in awe. Ava cried of course when she went up with Daddy to get her gift, but Logan was a big boy this year and went up by himself and took a picture with Santa. There were some tears shed when Logan realized it wasn't the huge Thomas the Train set he had asked Santa for, but we told him that Santa didn't bring his sleigh today and that was to big a gift to bring today, that seemed to satisfied him and then he as excited about his new Handy Mandy and tools. Ava got another talking purse, Santa must not have talked with the Easter Bunny, as he brought Ava the same purse last Easter. Oh well, she wanted it opened so we opened it up for her and hey a girl can never have to many purses anyway. After Santa we had some food downstairs and Ava started to get crabby since she missed a nap, so we headed home. Glad we were able to make it despite the sickies going on, I felt like crud but the kids are doing fine and Matt doesn't seem to be feeling to bad, hopefully we are on the mend now!

Daddy explaining Lodge stuff to Logan (only 13 more years until he can go ya know)

Listening to Santa's story

Ava listening to Santa

She got bored quick

Ava getting her gift from Santa

She knew just what to do with that gift

Logan's turn with Santa

And he knows what to do as well

Having some eats!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Logan's 1st School Performance!

Logan had his second Christmas program tonight, and he did much better than yesterday mornings performance, still no singing, but he didn't cry, stood up there like a big boy and rang the heck out of his jingle bell LOL! He also took his bow and melted during the snowman song. He was so cute up there. I couldn't get many good pictures, the lighting was funny in there. I got a little video, but from pretty far back. I did end up buying the DVD so at least I will have a better video of our first baby's first school performance. They had a little party after the program and Santa was there, but Logan wanted to just see him from afar this time. Logan had fun showing all his grandparents his school and his classroom and cubby.

Logan and most of his grandparents

Friday, December 10, 2010

Only 17,000 Lights...

There is a house down on the next street from our house that does a HUGE light display set to music every year. Matt bundled up the kids and took them down to see it tonight, the owners were outside handing out candy canes and Matt talked to the guy about it. He uses about 17,000 lights and starts work on the display January 15 for the upcoming December. He starts with programing all the songs and goes on from there. He builds the light displays as well and it takes them 4 weekends to get everything up. They have speakers for the music, but they also broadcast it over the radio (you have to be close to the house, as you drive away you will lose the signal)

Matt got a little video but Ava wanted to walk around so he is going to go back and get a better video and I will post it then, but I will upload what I have so you can get a taste. I love that they do this and I just have to wonder what their electric bill looks like this time of year!

All bundled up!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ava is14 Months Today!

I think I forgot about Ava turning 13 months last month, mommy brain strikes again! SO as I looked at the calender today and realized she was 14 months old I figured I better take some pictures and do an update since I totally forgot last month. Ava as really turned into a little diva in the past month. She is very independent and throws a mean tantrum already (God help me when we hit the teenage years) but I knew this would be a difficult time, as it was with Logan. On the positive side of things, she is super smart and is saying quite a few words already. She LOVES to eat and if anyone says the word bath, she runs to the stairs and gets all excited. Ava LOVES reading her books, she spends a lot of time every day reading in her little Ava language, it is the coolest! Ava loves to dance and still loves Elmo. She is still a little mommy as well, Great-Grandma got her a highchair for her baby and she loves feeding her baby. Ava favorite snack right now is a peeled apple, she sometimes throws it like a ball, but always finishes most of it. Oh and she loves rearranging the bottom of our Christmas tree. I can't believe she is 14 months, I miss my little baby, but love watching my big girl, I could sit and watch her play all day.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ava wasn't having it, so Grandma whipped out a sucker and sat Ava on her lap and Logan had about the same expression he did last year, but he did tell Santa what he wanted this year and shook his hand goodbye. Maybe some smiles next year?


First snow of the season! Logan was very excited to get out there after gymnastics this morning. Snowballs, snow angles, and a ramp to go down in this sled, equals one happy boy.