Saturday, October 16, 2010

Logan's Mario Party!

Today was Logan's Mario party, and I think it's safe to say he had a blast. The cakes turned out cute despite me forgetting to grease the pans...oops! Everyone loved the decorations and the kids had fun playing pin the mushroom on Mario and doing a Mario coloring contest. Logan made out like a bandit in the present department. I am exhausted and glad the big parties are over, one more to go for hubby! Here are some pictures of all the fun!
Logan and his cakes

Matt made the Mario Kart cake

I made the Mario Mushroom cake

Party favors, Mario water bottles with Mario fruit snacks inside!

Pin the Mushroom on Mario game-Matt's brother made Mario for us

Mario coloring contest table

Birthday sign I made for Logan


Playing pin the mushroom on Mario

Cousins playing in the dirt

Present time!

Very excited about his new batman undies

Cake time!

Happy 4th Birthday to the coolest four year old we know! Love you sweetie!

P.S. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for the Sweetest Day flowers-I love you!

I know it's a fake holiday and all, but if it weren't for Hallmark Holiday's I would never get flowers LOL!

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