Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rodeo Night!

Tonight was Rodeo night also known as Dad's Day at preschool. It's a night where the kids bring dad, grandpa, uncle etc to preschool and they have fun activities planned around the Cowboy theme. Logan was not happy about having to go back to preschool after being there once already today and he was even more upset when I tried to dress him like a cowboy, after one huge tantrum later he was off with daddy and at least their cowboy hats for some fun.

Logan was fine once he got there and had fun showing Daddy all the neat stuff in his classroom. They made a tree together as well and had lot's of fun in the bike room.

They ended the night with a sing a long and square dance (Logan was not amused LOL) and some yummy treats.

Logan came home with a smile on his face and said he wanted Daddy to come to preschool with his again.

Moms day isn't until spring, but I am excited already!

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